
The Legend of Zelda is a high fantasy-action videogame franchise created by the japanese designers Shigeru Miyamoto and Takashi Tezuka. It was developed and distributed by Nintendo. The gameplay consist in explore a vast world and its dungeons, fight against enemies and solve puzzles. The first game was released on 21st february 1986 and along all this 36 years 19 videogames of the principal series had been released, without counting its Spin-Offs. The protagonist of this story is Link, who has the duty of save the Hyrule kingdom and its princess, Princess Zelda, of Ganon's claws in most of the games. The series turns around a sacred omnipotent relic calls triforce, the union of three gold triangles, triforce of power, triforce of wisdom and triforce of courage.

all links and the triforce

All Links and the triforce in the center


Principal Videogames


zelda chronology

The exact chronology of The Lengend of Zelda was a debate until 2011, where in the book Hyrule Historia the official chronology was revealed. I said that existed three temporal lines at The Legend of Zelda Universe starting those in Ocarina of Time, with Zelda sending Link to the past to revive his childhood. Before this game, the line was unificated. Zelda games which release date is after Hyrule Historia chronology are there because the hace official confirmation. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is not in the chronology, and without official confirmation we can place it correctly. We only know that the events of Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity are placed 100 years before.

Defeated Hero Line

When Link enters the Temple of Time and pulls out Master Sword, breaking the seal of the Sacred Realm. Ganondorf takes advantage of this. At this point, the temporal line have its first bifurcation. In the one hand, Link wakes up Seven years later and Ocarina of Time evnets continue. On the other hand, Ganon, with the power of Triforce transform the Sacred Realm in the Dark World (Imprisioning War). It follows A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, A Link Between Worlds, Zelda 1 and Zelda 2.

Child Link Line

At the end of Ocarina of Time, Zelda returns Link to his time creating the other 2 temporal lines. In this line, Links leaves Hyrule and arrives Termina when he was looking for his friend Navi, starting the events of Majora's Mask. It follows Twilight Princess and Four Swords Adventures.

Adult Link Line

After the end of Ocarina of Time, Ganondorf break the seal of the Seven Sages and invade Hyrule. Like the Hero of Time doesn't appear (he is in Termina), the gods flood Hyrule (the Great Flood). It follows The Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks.


The actor Robin Williams named his daughter Zelda in honour to the franchise. Both appeared in the advertisement of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time remake for Nintendo 3DS and The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword for the 25th aniversary of the franchise.

robin williams y su hija jugando zelda
zelda majoras mask

Majora`s Mask was developed in 14 months (record of the franchise) while its remake for Nintendo 3DS lasted three years aprox. in be finished.

In a Mirinda sport we can see a child playing The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. While he plays, Link is in Kakariko and opens a chest, which opens and find there some Mirinda bottles. Since that moment we can see Link ignoring the child's inpunts while he is drinking some Mirinda.

zelda majoras mask

Due to the grat majority of the population is right-handed and for the adaptation of the Wii Remote to the right hand, in Wii version of The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess all the game had to be rotated originally Link was left-handed

Twilight Princess Link is the only one that have met one of his other reincarnations (Hero's Shade that appears in Twilight Princess is Link from Ocarina of Time).

zelda majoras mask
zelda majoras mask

The composer Koji Kondo had in mind use Ravel's Bolero like the main theme of The Legend of Zelda, but it had copyright. So at the mid of the development, Kondo xomposed the main theme that we all know in a record time.